Mastellotto, Lynn
Mastellotto, Lynn
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Transnational Writing on Italy. Self and Place in Contemporary Relocation Narratives
2025-01-01 Mastellotto, Lynn
Demokratie und Partizipation in der Begegnung mit Kinderliteratur an der Freien Universität Bozen
2024-01-01 Hoffmann, Jeanette; Annette Dorigo, Jasmine; Maya Victoria Leonardi, Mara; Mastellotto, Lynn; Teresa Trisciuzzi, Maria
Ponti narrativi. Prospettive transdisciplinari nell'Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale
2024-01-01 Zadra, Cinzia; Mastellotto, Lynn; Moser, Stefania
Erzählen in multilingualen und interkulturellen Kontexten: Eine Einführung
2023-01-01 Hoffmann, J; Mastellotto, L
Global Citizenship Education with Picture Books in English Language Learning
2023-01-01 Mastellotto, Lynn
Il microteaching come strumento per sviluppare competenze multilinguistiche di docenti universitari
2023-01-01 Cagol, M; Mastellotto, L; Zanin Scaratti, R
Storytelling in multilingual and intercultural contexts / Erzählen in multilingualen und interkulturellen Kontexten
2023-01-01 Hoffmann, J; Mastellotto, L
Storytelling in Multilingual and Intercultural Contexts: An Introduction
2023-01-01 Hoffmann, J; Mastellotto, L
Multilingual teacher training in South Tyrol: strategies for effective linguistic input with young learners
2022-01-01 Mastellotto, Lynn; Zanin, Renata
The Role of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Supporting the Linguistic Dimension of English-medium Instruction (EMI)
2022-01-01 Costa, Francesca; Mastellotto, Lynn
EMI and Beyond: Internationalising Higher Education Curricula in Italy
2021-01-01 Mastellotto, L; Zanin, R
Approaches to Diversity: Tracing Multilingualism in Teacher Education in South Tyrol, Italy
2021-01-01 Gross, Barbara; Mastellotto, Lynn
South Tyrol and the challenge of multilingual higher education
2021-01-01 Mastellotto, Lynn; Zanin, Renata
Engaging Young Learners' Multiliteracies through Picture Books and Multimodal Storytelling
2020-01-01 Mastellotto, L
Developing young learners' multiliteracies through multimodal storytelling
2020-01-01 Mastellotto, L
The Expatriate Life
2020-01-01 Mastellotto, L
Libro su libro: Per una costruzione di un futuro sostenibile = Book by book: Building a more sustainable future
2019-01-01 Mastellotto, L; Trisciuzzi, Mt
A Taste of the Good Life: Expatriate Mothers on Food and Identity
2019-01-01 Mastellotto, L
Dwelling in difference: narratives of arrival and accommodation
2018-01-01 Mastellotto, L
2018-01-01 Mastellotto, L; Burton, G