Sepe, Agostino
Sepe, Agostino
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Risultati 1 - 15 di 15 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.004 secondi).
La piccola muraglia Apertura e interdizione della Manciuria ai cinesi all'epoca dei primi Qing (1644-1795)
2024-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
Back when the Gates were Open: the Settler Recruitment Policy in Early Qing Manchuria
2024-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
Staring at horsewomen: Chinese literati in Manchuria and their narratives of Self and Other
2023-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
Wu Zhenchen "Ningguta jilüe" dui dongbei bianyuan diqu minsu wenhua de renzhi 吴振臣《宁古塔纪略》对东北边缘地区民俗文化的认知
2023-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
Chinese Civilians Beyond the Palisade: an Inquiry on the Opening of Northern Manchuria to Han Commoners in the Yongzheng era
2023-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
Accepting Reality: the Re-Opening of Manchuria to Chinese Commoners (minren) in Yongzheng Era
2022-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
A Sudden Turnaround: The Pro-Han Immigration Policy in Manchuria and Its Abrupt Abrogation in Early Qing Era
2021-01-01 Sepe, Agostino
A Sudden Turnaround: The Pro-Han Immigration Policy in Manchuria and Its Abrupt Abrogation in Early Qing Era
2021-01-01 Sepe, A
Impariamo a pronunciare il cinese: manuale pratico di pronuncia cinese per per studenti e docenti italiani
2020-01-01 Sepe, A; Tian, H.
Yidali xuexizhe hanyu yuyin shengyunmu pianwu fenxi
2019-01-01 Sepe, A
Yidali hanyu xuexizhe "bijing""jiujing""daodi" de bianxi yu duiyi
2019-01-01 Sepe, A
CHEN, SHUANG. State-Sponsored Inequality. The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China. Stanford University Press, Stanford (CA) 2017.
2018-01-01 Sepe, A
Qing chu "zhaomin shouguan li" zhengce kaobian 《清初“招民授官例”政策考辨》
2018-01-01 Sepe, A
Qing chu Liaodong zhaomin shouguan li shishi qingkuang yu cunyi 清初辽东招民授官例实施情况与存疑
2017-01-01 Sepe, A
Back to the Roots: the Imperial City of Shenyang as a Symbol of the Manchu Ethnic Identity of the Qing Dynasty.
2011-01-01 Sepe, A