Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Multiverb constructions in Postclassical Greek: pseudo-coordination and participial constructions in the Apophthegmata Patrum
2024-01-01 Tronci, Liana; Logozzo, Felicia
Latin translations of Greek ὅτι-clauses in the Vulgate and the Vetus Latina. A comparative analysis of the four Gospels.
2024-01-01 Tronci, Liana
Latin constructions sum + present participle. Pragmatic and syntactic evidence against the periphrastic analysis.
2024-01-01 Tronci, Liana
La diversification fonctionnelle d’une catégorie grammaticale. Quelques repères pour une description des participes en grec postclassique
2024-01-01 Tronci, Liana
Les verbes en -izzare en italien: un cas de relatinisation ?
2024-01-01 Tronci, Liana
Kontinuität und Innovation in der Partizipialsyntax der Vulgata
2023-01-01 Tronci, L; Bortolussi, B; Logozzo, F; Sznajder, L
For a syntactic approach to modality and its application to Ancient Greek
2023-01-01 Denizot, Camille; Tronci, Liana
Building modality with syntax. Focus on Ancient Greek
2023-01-01 Denizot, Camille; Tronci, Liana
Motion and Posture Verbs in Multiverb Constructions: Evidence from the New Testament
2023-01-01 Tronci, Liana; Logozzo, Felicia
Syntactic patterns of modality in temporal clauses: Hóte vs. hótan in the diachrony of Ancient Greek
2023-01-01 Denizot, Camille; Tronci, Liana; Vassilaki, Sophie
Perspectives on Koine Greek. Studies In Morphology, Syntax, And Lexicon
2023-01-01 Tronci, Liana
Voice markers in Septuagint Greek in the light of Hebrew interference: A corpus-based study on the aorist system of the book of Genesis
2023-01-01 Tronci, L; Dahl, E
Recensione a Olivia Cockburn, Los verbos latinos en -IZARE (-ISSARE, -IDIARE). Adaptación, uso y desarrollo del morfema griego -ίζειν en el latín antiguo. Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2021, 236 p. ISBN:978-84-7882-870-8
2022-01-01 Tronci, L
Recensione a Luca Alfieri, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia e Paolo Ramat (2019, eds.), Linguistic Categories, Language Description, and Linguistic Typology,John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam / Philadelphia, ISBN 978-90-272-0865-1, pp. 1-424.
2022-01-01 Tronci, L
Forme dell'atto direttivo nel greco neotestamentario. Politeness, testualità e mutamento linguistico
2022-01-01 Tronci, L
Les participes parfaits dans la Vulgate: influence du grec, diachronie du latin
2022-01-01 Tronci, L
Impersonal Constructions Between Personae and ‘Personlessness’. Strategies of Language Manipulation in Aeschines and Demosthenes
2022-01-01 Tronci, L
Pseudo-coordination and serial verb constructions in Hellenistic Greek? Some insights from the New Testament and the Septuagint
2022-01-01 Tronci, L; Logozzo, F
Pseudo-coordination and serial verbs in Hellenistic Greek? Some insights from the New Testament and the Septuagint
2022-01-01 Logozzo, F; Tronci, L
How to Graecise Hebrew syntax: the strange case of clause initial καὶ ἐγένετο in the New Testament
2021-01-01 Tronci, L